Truth Hurts! we have so often heard someone tell us this and know it is the absolute TRUTH. My husband and me were at the other end of the saying, we spent the last few days contemplating what it is that make people so wily, so cruel, so ruthless and in our experience shameless. All for a few pennies more.
It was a tough situation that we were in and things had to be told straight faced, with no compromises and no brokers.
There was an absolute halt in functioning as many people decided to walk out when told the truth, But sorry ! no roll backs on our values and principles instilled in us. Sad to add that sometimes even your own family disbelieves yr intentions. Many hurts and harsh words were said by all and sundry and to cut a sad story short, We walked away from it all ........
Why did we do this ? walk away from something that you so truly believe is a very hard thing to do but putting in so many fruitless hours of toil,( the family was absolutely on the backburner. We had to weigh the options and with both our feet on the ground.... will it finally work out ? Will the childrens growing years standstill for us in our quest for this ? will our health permit us to take on ? many a late night tending to various issues had made us forgo our morning walks, All these questions and more were something that came foremost to our minds and did what we did.
Just walked away ... I am glad as we are a few days into the new way and realise how important it is not to compromise on the values and your principles.
Thank my Mum and Dad who have been with us through this ordeal and have been the main support in our trying times.... Thank you all for the prayers that you have prayed too ! God Bless
Nice Nice :)