Summer is back ! what a lovely sight to see the mango trees outside my window bursting with blossoms all waiting to" grow-up". Some have already turned over into tiny mangoes and some big mangoes.
On our morning walks have seen a jackfruit laden with TINY jackfruits, tiny as in comparision with the size of the fully grown up jack. The birds cannot decide which fruit platter to choose from, will it be this or that, must be their state of mind in summer everytree is showing off, the jambuls are there up too, when the tree is too tired to hold up sooo many ... there they go all over the pavements, streaking it, with a lovely royal purple. The targula will arrive shortly and a corner on the street where I live has this vendor bringing the delicious targula directly from the tree breaks the nut and there for all to see the lovely sweet kernel a smaller version of the coconut.
The watermelons have been around for most part of the year, not the big round variety but the tiny oblong ones, which are crisp and sweet, I still prefer the huge round watermelons.
The grand entry will be made by none other than the KING, of all fruits, at the wholesale market we will see trucks unloading huge baskets and not so huge boxes, and then for us truly summer has arrived...
I hope this time that the post gets saved. 4 leaved clover you write well - in the present continuous that is the classic style that defines a blog. you carry the reader along with you effortlessly, speaking about things that speak a lot about where it is all coming from - your good and golden heart. you speak about the things we seem to have forgotten - things that made us the people we are - the sounds of life, the munificent and beautiful creations about us, which can still bring joy if we stop and look and enjoy. u have a way with words, but mor importantly you have an eye for coming to the truth - that if we dont stop and check, we will missing out on all that is good and beautiful, forever. so how abt making the posts more frequent - and a little pr to help spread the word abt this wonderful gem ur creating for us?