Summer days are always associated with wonderful memories of the vacations we a family of five would enjoy !
An overnight journey by the bus, or on the rough seas would take us to our native place, and it would be a long, long holiday two whole, wonderful months of fun, making new friends and getting back with our old, and in terms of playing it was a different world out there.Nothing can compare.
We girls, would would enjoy the great outdoors to cook on a 'real' fire a broken unused pan on two large bricks and there was our imaginary fire cooking a merry curry sourced from the raw mangoes that were so easily available or even the raw jackfruit that had fallen down.
Sometimes an evening would see us fishing at the river, here we were with our home made fishing lines, instead of bringing in the catch we had driven them all away with our incessant giggling, talking and cheer !
Come the evening and we would go picking carvanders on the OH ! so beautiful hills disturbing the serene and peaceful surroundings with our giggling and cackling( and you know how girls do that !)
The warm nights we would go to the nearby river and just laze back...just relax on our back and many a time wish on a shooting star above...What a wonderful time our parents gave us, in their own caring ways, they would take us to the nearest town that was 14 kms away from our place.
That was a huge 'journey' to leave our house at four we had to ready ourselves at three as the walk along tedious to the tiny one-horse bazaar bus stop, and then wait for the bus to chug along packed to the rafters, with not a place for a wafer out there, BUT we five managed to get in...
I still remember the evenings playing with our cousins the wonderful game of our childhood 'Hide & Seek'
what made this game extraordinary was the time of the day, we would decide to play it. The night in the village with all its eerie shadows and sounds made it exciting and OH ! there we were stumbling upon a branch and giving ourselves away.
I still remember on the far side of the fields there used to be a tiny house and in those days electricity was not so common, this particular house always had a faint flickering light and my childish mind was overdosed on the famous five, and I could imagine a rustle in the bushes.
My imaginary mind, went haywire and so, one night I stayed awake to watch that flicker as I thought it was a signal to some 'smugglers'like the famous five did.Nothing ever happened the people in the house just put out the light and went off to sleep and so did I.
Oh ! give me back those days, I know they never will, but surely I have wondeful memories to live on.
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