The mother was whispering sweet nothings into his tiny ears, and he was listening with rapt attention, giving a half smile and then a burst of laughter, what a joy it was to see the relationship between the two took me back to memories of my childhood,where Mom was my world, until I reached the age where friends took a main part of your platform, BUT, still Mom was always there whenever I needed her, and still is a major part of all my memories and fun times that we still have.
No one, just no one can ever take the place of a Mother, her touch, her smile, her understanding, and even her explosions are one of a kind.It is the biological bond that the nine month gestation has done so well for us all, and hence a mother plays a major part in our lives.
Its is only after being a parent can you understand the depth with which you look at a crying child, its not just superficial, being a parent opens your eyes in more ways than one, your emotional side is more sharper.
If I look back at my teenage years, I always felt sad, bad, charitable so on and so forth....But being a parent completely changes the picture, and it is a happy picture.You look at the whole scenario in a totally different perspective.Kind of looking at a 3-D vision.How good is that.