Sometimes its seems getting two people to see eye to eye ... especially when they have a past history of not doing so ... is a mammoth task... or at least was a mammoth....
Let me just call them A & B for reasons best known to us. everything is factual except for their names.
Every little word A spoke was sieved, twisted, turned flipped, and then sent forward. Similarly B dissected the forwarded word and back it went. We could sense the tension in the room, which was so thick we could get a slice of it, and back and forth it was going like we were watching a table - tennis championship.
Even if we tried to intervene and sort things out they kind of did not like us trying to make peace, they seemed to be enjoying themselves and the loads of attention they got.
Finally, the head or the person with the highest authority spoke up my mind, its time folks put on your seatbelts. But I was wrong... there he was ...
talking so calmly, so simply, so beautifully giving examples of his own life where at times he too had made mistakes and always thought he was right, not consenting to listen to anothers' view .... after such a heated match, this talk felt like a soothing balm ... like a cool drink going down ones parched throat, like a patch of shade after a walk in the hot sun...
And the two were watching with bated breath who would get the last word, he let them talk and spill their festering rot onto the floor.. things were sorted out in such a lovely manner, in peace and done with grace...hands were met.. to me it seemed like there was a divine power in the authority.
As my day ended my thoughts were ... anything can be done, if only we could use kind words, if only we would understand, if only we let go of our egos, if only we forgive, and in due course time will heal .. IF ONLY.....