Such a beautiful boy !!! that is the way I can describe the little child. He is always there, playing on the footpath, so early in the morning, on our way for a walk, His father owns a little stall, where he ekes out a living ironing creased clothes.
He loves playing with the potted plants around him, and the fathers watchful eyes keeps the scamp from wandering out onto the busy traffic congested lane.
A couple of days back, the little boy was sobbing bitterly, such large tears for a little child, despite all his dirt stained face, and tears flowing ..he looked cherubic, tried to put pieces why he was crying together, and realised he was wasting water from a tiny bucket that was kept on the road.
Like all little children, he was spilling it all over, before he realised WHACK ! and then a loud shrill and sob ! sob,
The father was urgently attending to his customers needs who were impatiently watching all that was happening.
A kind hearted soul took the little boy aside and pacified him.
And before you could snap your fingers, there he was chatting with his father... All in a days work....beautiful boy.....